The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! How Mexico's court shuffle stacks up 'gainst other lands be a tale fit for a jolly crew!


Arrr, Captain Andrés Manuel López Obrador be settin' sail on a grand scheme to shake up the judges, aye! His plan be far bolder than them scallywags in other lands where a few judges be elected. Blimey, he be chartin' a course for a whole new treasure map o' justice!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the grand captain of Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and his wild scheme to overhaul the courts! Aye, this be no ordinary tale of swabs and scallywags, for our captain be aiming to shake the very foundations of the judiciary in ways that would make even the bravest buccaneer tremble in their boots!

Now, ye see, in some distant lands, they’ve got judges elected like fine rum at a tavern. But lo! Our captain be wantin’ to take it further than a drunken parrot on a treasure hunt! He be schemin’ to change the whole riggin’ of the judicial ship, lettin’ the common folk have a say in who judges the law, instead of those high-falutin’ folks in powdered wigs. Aye, it could be a raucous rebellion against the old ways!

But fear not, me hearties! With every grand plan comes a fair share of shenanigans and jests. Will the judges be chosen by popular vote, or will they end up fightin’ in a barrel like a pair of squawkin’ gulls? Only time will tell if this caper leads to a treasure trove of justice or a muddled mess fit for Davy Jones' locker!

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