The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A waning tide, ye say? Trump be parleyin' with the scallywags battlin' the culture storms!"


Arrr, last tides, the cap’n proclaimed it was high time to “set our wee ones free from them scallywag Marxist madmen and fiends” in schooling! But I be wonderin’, does that jolly ol’ message still ring true with the landlubbers’ hearts? Avast!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a certain landlubber who once captained the ship o' state! Last year, this scallywag bellowed to the crew, “Let’s free our wee ones from the clutches o' them Marxist lunatics and scallywag perverts lurkin' in the schools!” Aye, it was a ruckus that stirred the souls of many a good pirate and land-dweller alike.

Now, ye might be wonderin’, does that raucous call still ring true in the hearts o’ the voters? Well, blow me down! In a world where landlubbers be bickerin’ ‘bout their treasure and the best way to navigate the murky waters o' education, that fiery proclamation might still have some wind in its sail. Some see it as a rallyin’ cry, while others reckon it be naught but a tempest in a teapot.

So, hoist the Jolly Roger and let the winds of opinion blow! Will the good folk still heed the call to arms against the so-called lunatics? Or have they found new shores to sail? Only time will tell, me mateys, but I’d wager this tale be far from over!

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