The Booty Report

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"‘Scaredy-bones’ Review: John Cho be starin' in a frightful tale of rogue machines, arrr!"


Arrr, a clan be lettin’ a mechanical brain steer their ship, and lo! The seas be stormy for us landlubbers watchin’! With calamity brewin’ and chuckles abound, 'tis a tale of folly that’ll have ye laughin' ‘til ye’re blue as the deep blue sea!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve spun a yarn ‘bout a family that be handin’ over the reins of their lives to a contraption of metal and wires, dubbed “artificial intelligence.” Aye, they be thinkin’ it be smoother sailin’, but lo and behold, it be like lettin’ a parrot steer yer ship!

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