The Booty Report

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Arrr! Gaza be threatened by the scurvy polio, after a year o’ battlin’! Aye, what a fine mess!


Arrr, matey! This Sunday, the Israeli sea dogs and Hamas scallywags be takin' a wee break from their ruckus, lettin’ 640,000 wee landlubber lads and lasses in Gaza get their jabs! Even pirates know when to care for the crew, eh? Aye, what a turn o' tides!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of a truce, or whatcha might call a wee breather amidst the clash o' swords ‘n cannons! Come this Sunday, the ruckus between the Israeli lads and the Hamas scallywags be takin’ a pause, aye, just a brief spell! The plan be to give the wee ones of Gaza, all 640,000 of 'em, a shot of that elixir they call a vaccine, savvy?

Now, ye might wonder how this grand affair be workin’. The two sides, much like a pair o' squabblin' buccaneers, will be takin' staggered breaks from their fightin'. 'Tis like stoppin’ the ship’s cannon fire so the cabin boys can fetch fresh grog! U.N. officials, those landlubbers in charge, be sayin' it’s all fer the sake of the young’uns. Aye, they may be battlin’ like cats 'n dogs, but even pirates know to protect the wee ones, lest they be cursed with scurvy and the like!

So there ye have it! A curious little pause in the brawl to ensure the tiny swabs of Gaza get their jabs. Let’s hope this truce don’t be as short-lived as a pirate’s temper, eh? Here’s to hopin' the seas of peace be smoother than a well-aged rum!

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