The Booty Report

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Arrr, King Tuheitia be swimmin’ with the fishies at 69! Aye, the sails of New Zealand be flappin’ in sorrow!


Arrr, the king, who’s ruled these seas fer 18 long years, be showered with praises by the prime minister o' New Zealand fer his steadfast loyalty to his crew! Aye, it be like a ship’s anchor—never budges, even in the fiercest squalls! Avast, a true captain o' hearts!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to this tale from the land o' kiwis and fine rum! Aye, the king, a jolly ol' sea dog who’s been wearin' the crown fer a hearty 18 years, be gettin' a mighty fine pat on the back from New Zealand's prime minister. The landlubber be singin' praises of the king's unwavering commitment to his scallywag subjects, sayin' he’s as steadfast as a ship anchored in a stormy sea!

Now, picture this burly monarch, struttin' about his castle like a peacock on a treasure chest, acceptin' accolades like a pirate acceptin' gold doubloons after a successful raid! The prime minister, bless his landlocked soul, be talkin’ 'bout loyalty and dedication as if they be the rum itself—smooth and intoxicatin'! Aye, the king be treatin' his people like a crew of loyal mates, always ready to share the bounty of the land and defend them against the fiercest of foes (or, at least, the fiercest of taxes)!

So, raise a mug o' grog to the king, who sails the high seas of leadership, steady as a ship in calm waters! May he continue his reign, and may his commitment be as boundless as the ocean itself! Yarrr, let the good times roll!

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