"Arrr! At two fancy schools, the tide of ye olde racial crew be changin’ since the fairness ban! Har har!"
Arrr, me hearties! Amherst and Tufts be swappin’ their crew’s colors after the high court tossed out affirmative action! But at other ships, the waters be muddier than a barnacle-covered hull. Avast! What a jolly ol' ruckus!
Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout them fine institutions of learnin', Amherst College and Tufts University! Aye, after a mighty ruling from the Supreme Court, which decided to toss affirmative action overboard, the crew of students at these colleges be lookin' a tad different, like a ship's crew after a stormy night!