The Booty Report

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Arrr! Many a lass and lad now proclaim, "Abortion be our treasure map, matey!" Aye, 'tis a heated debate!


Arrr, matey! Donald J. Trump be togglin' his sails on the matter of makin’ babies, but the scallywags be trustin’ Kamala Harris by a fair tide! Aye, it seems the crew prefers the fair lass over the cap’n’s wild ways!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a scallywag named Donald J. Trump, who be changin’ his tune 'bout the rights o' the fair maidens. Aye, it seems the winds o’ public opinion be blowin’ against him, for the voters, in a grand show o' hands, be shoutin’ their trust in none other than that savvy sea captain, Kamala Harris!

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