The Booty Report

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Arrr! In a tale of Robbie Williams, the shining star be a pixelated monkey, swingin' and singin' like a scallywag!


Arrr, Captain Michael Gracey be hopin’ that landlubbers o’ America finally set their eyes on the British bard, warts, fur, an’ all in "Better Man," droppin’ anchor at the Telluride Film Festival! Aye, let’s see if they can handle the ruckus!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale of a fine director named Michael Gracey, who be hopin' to cast a bright light upon the legendary British songsmith known as the hitmaker! Aye, this be no ordinary yarn, for it be titled "Better Man," and it be makin' its grand debut at the fabled Telluride Film Festival!

Now, this tale be a jolly one, filled with warts, fur, and all manner o' quirks that make our British matey tick! Gracey be hopin’ that the good folk of America finally catch a whiff o’ the talents and troubles of this musical conjurer. With a hearty dose of humor, he aims to expose the true essence o' the man behind the melodies, warts and all, mind ye!

So, I say to ye, prepare yer sea legs and ready yer rum, for “Better Man” be settin' sail to entertain and enlighten! Aye, it be a voyage through the highs and lows of a life steeped in melody and mischief. Let us hope the landlubbers of the States take heed and raise a tankard to the genius of this melodic buccaneer when the curtain be drawn!

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