Arrr, matey! Amy Bohn says Newsom be usin' wee scallywags in his jolly political game o' gender shenanigans!
Ahoy, mateys! Captain Amy Bohn of the PERK crew be squawkin' ‘bout California’s AB 1955. She be lamentin' school closures and those pesky vaccine orders, all while tryin' to hoist the sails of education policy! Arrr, what a jolly mess on the high seas of learning!
Bohn be raisin’ her voice, claimin’ this law be a treacherous attack on parental rights, a plot to keep parents in the dark like barnacles on the hull! She be sayin’ that children be too young to be makin’ such choices without their parents’ savvy guidance. “Why, it’s utter nonsense!” she exclaims, arguin’ that children’s brains don’t fully mature 'til they reach the ripe age of 25!
Yet, ol’ Newsom’s crew thinks these wee ones deserve their privacy, claimin’ it be dignified to keep secrets from their guardians. “Nay!” says Bohn, who also be battlin’ against mandates like a true pirate against the Crown. She and her band of merry parents be raisin’ a ruckus, pushin’ back against lockdowns and vaccine mandates like true buccaneers on the high seas!
So, whether it be fightin’ for children's rights or battlin’ against tyranny, Bohn and her crew be sailin’ full steam ahead! Arrr!