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Ahoy! Los Angeles be tossin’ $9.5M to settle a ruckus ‘bout a lass who met her end in a shootout!


Arrr, matey! The fine city of Los Angeles be coughin' up $9.5 million doubloons to settle a ruckus stirred by a lass who met her fate in a gunfight with the lawmen back in 2018. Aye, what a tempestuous tale o’ misfortune and gold!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale o' woe from the fair shores o' Los Angeles, where a mighty settlement o' $9.5 million be agreed upon by the city’s scallywags to appease the kin o' a lass named Melyda Corado, who met her fate amidst a ruckus at a Trader Joe's in the year o' our Lord 2018.

This fine wench, just 27 summers old, be workin' as an assistant manager when a ne'er-do-well named Gene Evin Atkins, bein' chased by the law, burst into the grocery haven with gunfire shoutin' like a banshee! Alas, poor Melyda found herself in the crossfire, payin' the ultimate price for the folly o' the lawmen involved.

Her father and brother, not takin' kindly to this tragedy, hoisted the sails on a lawsuit, claimin' civil rights violations and wrongful death. The family’s lawyer, Neil Gehlawat, be sayin' the officers failed to heed the perils o' bystanders when lettin' loose their deadly force—an oversight that cost a life!

Though the police commission deemed the officer’s actions reasonable, it still leaves a bitter taste like sea salt in the wound. So, raise yer mugs, me hearties, and ponder the madness that befall 'neath the sun-drenched skies o' Los Angeles!

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