The Booty Report

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Arrr! The US and Iraq be joinin' forces at dawn, takin' out 15 scallywags of ISIS, says the sea dog military!


Arrr matey! On the day of Thor's thunder, American and Iraqi scallywags teamed up to send 15 rogues of the Islamic State group to Davy Jones’ locker in the wilds of Iraq, so proclaimed the US Central Command! Avast, a fine haul indeed!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the treacherous waters of Iraq. With the morning sun barely peekin' over the horizon, a joint crew of American and Iraqi swashbucklers set sail on a mighty mission, takin’ down 15 scallywags of the notorious Islamic State, aye!

Yarr, this escapade be not for the faint of heart! Armed to the teeth with grenades and those dastardly explosive belts, these ne'er-do-wells thought they could outsmart our brave lads. But alas, in the blink of an eye, they were sent to Davy Jones' locker thanks to our gallant forces, and there be no innocent souls harmed in the fray, savvy?

But wait, there be more! Just a week prior, our bold sailors besieged a cunning captain of an Al-Qaeda crew, a rogue known as Abu Abdul Makki. With a “kinetic strike,” they laid waste to his villainous plans from afar. Aye, it seems this war on terror be a never-endin' voyage, as the commander of CENTCOM, that brave sea dog Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, declared their steadfast commitment to rid the seas of such scallywags!

So there ye have it, mates! Adventure, valor, and a right fine display of pirate prowess in the face of villainy! Yarrr!

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