The Booty Report

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Arrr! Blastin' a vintage cannonball at the stinkin’ chemical hole, 'twas safer than a mermaid in a barrel!


Ahoy mateys! In the wilds of the Czech Republic, a fearsome WWII cannonball was found! Experts, savvy as a parrot, chose to blow it sky-high at a chemical lair. Aye, they sent it to Davy Jones' locker with a controlled kaboom! Avast, what a blast!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the Czech seas, where brave souls of the explosive sort did set a fearsome relic of yore to rest! Last Friday, a great metal beast from the WWII days was unearthed at a grand chemical fortress in Litvinov, belonging to the Polish oil lords, PKN Orlen!

When the fateful day came, the crafty experts set about to lay the beast low—no ordinary cannon fire, but a controlled blast, 'twas! They wrapped the bomb in a quilt of sandbags, like a fine treasure in a chest, before sending it to Davy Jones’ locker. Aye, the earth did rumble at noon, and only a handful of windows were left to lament the racket! The scallywags did seal off the area, keeping the townsfolk at bay like a ship in a storm.

This infernal contraption weighed as much as a hefty sailor at 550 pounds, and it had a trick or two up its sleeve—a chemical mechanism delaying its fiery doom! Long ago, this very spot was a source of fuel for the tyrant’s troops, targeted by the British skies. So raise a tankard, for the Czech lads did well by their land, turning history into a humorous tale of controlled chaos! Yarrr!

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