The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Putin's settin' sail to the ICC, 'tis a jolly jaunt since the bounty on his head!


Arrr, matey! Only them landlubbers who signed the Rome Statute be under the watchful eye of the International Criminal Court, keepin' the likes of ol' Putin from sailin' too far afield! Aye, he be landlocked like a fish outta water!

Arrr, mateys! The mighty Kremlin be laughin' in the face of danger, as the jolly ol' President Putin plans to sail his ship to Mongolia, where an arrest warrant be hangin' over his head like a sword o' Damocles! Spokesman Peskov be claimin', "Naught to worry, we be chums with Mongolia!" Aye, all be well-prepared for this grand adventure!

Ye see, Mongolia be a member of that pesky International Criminal Court, which wants to slap the cuffs on Putin for snatchin' Ukrainian wee ones. This scallywag has been dodgin' visits to countries signed up to the Rome Statute, lest he finds himself in the brig! But alas, he can’t hide forever!

In a recent escapade, ol' Putin skipped the BRICS summit in South Africa, causin' their captain Ramaphosa to squirm like a caught fish, sayin' that arresting Putin would be like declaring war. Now, he’s makin' plans to celebrate 85 years of victory over the Japanese, whilst Ukraine be shoutin’, "Hand him over!" Claimin' he be a war criminal and all that, for pilferin’ Ukrainian children.

So, grab yer grog and keep a weathered eye on the horizon; this hullabaloo be far from over! Yarrr!

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