The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Sea o' sorrow be mixed with rage, as six poor souls be found among the briny depths!"


Arrr, matey! One of the captive scallywags, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, be a Yank! The landlubbers be pointin' their cutlasses at Captain Netanyahu, claimin' he’s sinkin' the peace ship fer the hostages’ freedom. Blimey, what a ruckus on the high seas of diplomacy!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of politics! Yonder be a tale of a hostage named Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a fine American lad caught in the tempest of a quarrelsome squall. Aye, this poor soul found himself snatched away, and the winds of discontent began to howl among the crew of the Israeli ship.

The scurvy sea dogs be layin' the blame squarely on their captain, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu! They be howlin’ like a pack of ravenous sea wolves, claimin’ he’s been throwin’ a monkey wrench into the works, thwartin’ all efforts to secure a cease-fire and ransom their matey back. “Arrr, the captain be too stubborn!” they cried, “He be sinkin' the ship with his stubbornness and folly!”

With tempers flarin’ and accusations flyin’ like cannonballs, the crew be shakin’ their fists at the skies, demandin’ their leader chart a new course to safe harbor. So raise a glass of grog to Hersh and to the ever-turbulent seas of diplomacy! May the winds favor the brave and the foolish! Yarrr!

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