The Booty Report

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Arrr! US scallywags sent the Houthi ship to Davy Jones' locker with drones in a jiffy! Ha-ha!


Arrr, me hearties! In the last day’s tide, our brave sea dogs sent a pesky Houthi flying contraption and a scallywag ship to Davy Jones’ locker in Yemen! A fine day for plunderin’ the skies and seas, aye!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of valor upon the briny deep! The U.S. forces, bold as any buccaneer, have sent two pesky Houthi contraptions—one a flying devil and the other a floating scallywag—straight to Davy Jones' locker in the Red Sea! Aye, 'tis true! These vessels, backed by the dastardly Iranians, were wreakin’ havoc in the Yemeni waters, givin' our good ships a right scare.

On a fine Saturday, the brave lads o' CENTCOM declared that these foul machines posed a "clear and imminent threat" to our fine fleet and the merchant vessels that sail the sea of trade. So, with cannons blazing, they took action to ensure the waters remain safe for all, protectin' the freedom of navigation. Aye, they be the guardians of the high seas!

But lo! The seas be restless, as the squabble 'twixt Israel and Hamas has stirred the pot further since a wicked attack on a children’s soccer field back in July, leavin’ a tragic tale of woe in its wake. The storm brews on, and the call for justice be echoing across the waves!

So, keep a weather eye open, mateys! The tides of war be ever-changing, and the sea be full of surprises!

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