The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the Cure's ticklin’ ivories man, Roger O'Donnell, be stricken by a scallywag of a cancer, rare and fierce!


Arrr, matey! Roger O'Donnell, the swashbucklin' tickler of the keys for The Cure, be spillin' the beans 'bout a fiendish ailment—a rare and fierce beast called lymphoma! Avast, may the winds be at his back as he battles this scallywag of a sickness!

Ahoy matey! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of Roger O'Donnell, the esteemed keyboardist o' The Cure, who be battlin' a fierce foe known as cancer. Aye, he be 68 years young, and last year he took to the seas of social media to share the grim tidin's of a rare and aggressive lymphoma that had taken root in his mortal coil.

In the month of September, he finally sought the aid of the healers after ignorin' the signs for far too long, and lo! The news from the surgeons was as devastating as a shipwreck. But fear not, fer Roger be a brave soul who completed 11 long months o' treatment with the finest doctors and nurses at his side, includin' immunotherapy and radiotherapy. Aye, he be a true survivor!

He be sendin' a hearty message to all ye landlubbers: “Go get tested!” he says, remindin' us that early detection be the key to beatin' this cursed disease. With a wink and a nudge, he also calls for us to lend a listenin' ear to those who be sufferin', for every kind word counts, savvy?

So raise yer tankards to Roger, who be sportin' a new hairdo thanks to the trials of his journey! Aye, he may have left the band for a spell, but his spirit be as strong as the fiercest pirate ship upon the high seas!

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