The Booty Report

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Arrr! France be facin' a right storm as 51 scallywags face the noose for foul deeds of pillagin' and plunderin'!


Arrr, a scallywag be accused of spiking his lass's grog and callin' forth a crew o’ rogues to plunder her virtue fer near a decade! The hullabaloo from this foul tale be settin' the whole land a-quakin' like a ship in a storm, savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a most foul tale from the landlubbers’ realm, where a scallywag be accused of dousing his poor lady with a foul potion and lettin' a horde of ruffians plunder her honor over near a decade! Aye, ye heard that right! This sorry swab be takin' betrayal to a whole new level, like a ship sailing with naught but a leaky hull!

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