The Booty Report

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Arrr! Elon be callin' the Times scribe a scallywag fer callin' the Constitution a treacherous sea serpent!


Arrr! That scallywag Elon Musk be chattin' 'bout a New York Times tale, claimin' the U.S. Constitution be a foe to the land! By Davy Jones’ locker, what a hullabaloo! Next, they'll say a parrot be a pirate's nemesis! Avast, ye landlubbers, let’s hoist the sails o’ reason!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with the tale of the mighty Elon Musk, a billionaire scallywag who be takin' aim at a New York Times scribbler. This wordsmith, the fair lady Jennifer Szalai, be claimin' that the U.S. Constitution be a threat to the very seas we sail upon!

She be sayin' that ol' Trump sailed into power not by a fair wind but through the Electoral College—a contraption that be soundin' as fishy as a barnacle-infested ship! Szalai be wonderin' if the Constitution, meant to defend us from tyranny, be doin' the exact opposite, creatin' a sea of cynicism that breeds the likes of authoritarianism!

With a mighty pen, she attacked the "Constitution worshippers," arguin' that the very document that birthed this grand nation be more of a scallywag than a savior. She accused it of bein' antidemocratic as Trump rode into the White House without the popular vote, appointin' judges who overturned Roe v. Wade, much to the dismay of the masses.

But fear not, for Musk raised his cannon and declared, “Long Live America and our Constitution!” while others, like Laura Ingraham, echoed the call, wonderin' if the Times be hatin' the very parchment that holds our nation together. Aye, what a ruckus on the high seas of politics!

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