The Booty Report

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Arrr, Biden be sayin' Netanyahu's slackin' like a scallywag, not doin' enough to rescue them poor hostages!


Arrr, the cap’n be tellin’ the scallywags o’ the press that after a pow-wow in the grand ol’ White House, he’ll spill the beans! Aye, keep yer ears perked and yer grog handy for more tall tales to be told later!

Avast ye hearties! Gather ‘round, for I be havin’ a tale of a landlubber president who gathered his crew of reporters, a scallywag bunch if ever there was one! The captain, with a glimmer in his eye and a swagger in his step, declared, “Ye’ll be hearin’ more from me soon, right after I parley in the Situation Room!” O’ course, that be soundin’ more like a pirate’s treasure hunt than a mere meeting!

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