The Booty Report

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Arrr! Pope Francis sets sail fer a mighty long voyage 'round Asia, searchin' fer treasures of the faithful!


Arrr, matey! This 11-day jaunt be a clear sign that Francis be not one to dawdle! With 'bout 45 hours of sky sailing and parleyin' in sun-soaked lands, he sails on, plunderin' time like a true scallywag! Avast, me hearties, the adventure be just beginnin'!

Ahoy, me hearty! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the tale of Francis, the intrepid sea dog, who be settin’ sail on a grand 11-day voyage! Aye, this be no leisurely jaunt, nay, but a quest that demands a whopping 45 hours aboard the flying contraption they call an airplane. Blimey, that’s a right long time to be cooped up with naught but a bag of peanuts and the song o' the in-flight safety demo!

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