The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"At Telluride, ye'll find wild flicks, mad capers, and films so strange they'd make a parrot squawk!"


Arrr, matey! A tale spun with wee plastic bricks and a monkey made o' pixels be sailin' alongside grim yarns 'bout makin' it hard for landlubbers to choose! A right peculiar mix for a jolly good time at the cinema, I say! Avast, what a curious catch of flicks!

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale as curious as a parrot in a tavern! In a grand spectacle o’ moving pictures, a documentary crafted from them tiny blocks o’ Lego be sailin' the seas o' cinema, alongside a biopic that features a CGI monkey as the star! Aye, ye heard that right—a monkey, swingin' through the vines o' Hollywood like he owns the place!

But wait, there be more! Amidst the laughter and whimsy of Lego pirate ships and monkey antics, the good folk also be exposin' the serious matters afoot, like them pesky abortion restrictions that be makin’ waves in the news. Aye, it’s a right mix o' jollity and gravity, like a rum punch with a splash o’ vinegar!

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