The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! The US plundered Maduro's ship o' the skies in the Dominican seas! Avast, what a fine catch!


Arrr, matey! The United States be snatchin' a fine vessel, owned by that scallywag Maduro of Venezuela, right in the Dominican isle! They hoisted the sails and set course for Florida on Monday! What a jolly bit of piratical mischief, eh?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of high-flyin' mischief on the seven seas! The scallywags o' the United States be havin' snatched the very airship of the bumblin' Venezuelan captain, Nicolás Maduro, right from the Dominican shores! Aye, 'tis true, Homeland Security Investigations be the crew responsible for bringin' his fancy Dassault Falcon 900-EX back to the land of the free, landin’ in Fort Lauderdale like a treasure chest plundered from the depths!

This grand vessel, valued at a whopping $13 million, be no mere vessel of the skies; it be Maduro’s own "Air Force One," used for parleyin’ with other knaves across the globe. But alas! It was bought through some shifty straw company, breakin’ laws as if they were mere twigs. U.S. officials waved the Jolly Roger, claimin' it violated the decree of the former captain, President Trump, and was illegally smuggled ‘cross the waters.

“Let it be known!” bellowed the U.S. Attorney General. “No ship shall sail freely if it be a pirate’s prize!” So, with a hearty laugh and a bottle o’ rum, the word be out: no fancy jet shall escape the long arm of the law, even if it be owned by a schemin' sovereign! Yarrr!

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