The Booty Report

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Arrr! Two landlubber Marines caught in a ruckus, Turkish scallywags shoutin’, “Yankee, set sail for home!” Avast, matey!


Avast, matey! Two fine lads from the USS Wasp found themselves in a scuffle with a raucous band of nationalist sea pups in Turkey! A dozen and three miscreants were nabbed quicker than ye can say “shiver me timbers!” Talk about a jolly good ruckus on the high seas! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, gather 'round fer a tale of woe on the high seas of Izmir, Turkey! A raucous mob of Turkish nationalists, more unruly than a ship full o' scallywags, set their sights on a band o' U.S. Marines from the USS Wasp, causin' quite the ruckus. Fifteen of these rowdies found themselves in the brig quicker than ye can say "plank!"

As the sun beat down upon the Aegean shores, the lads in civilian garb found themselves cryin' fer help whilst bein' restrained by a brand o' anti-American rapscallions. Ye should've seen it—a plastic bag hurled atop a brave soul's noggin while the crowd bellowed, "Yankee, go home!" A sight to behold, I dare say!

But fear not, for five valiant Marines sprang into action, and the local constables swooped in like seagulls on a dropped fish to arrest the troublemakers. The U.S. Embassy confirmed our sea-faring lads were safe and sound, thankin' the Turkish authorities fer their swift response like a pirate cheers his crew after a successful haul.

The miscreants of the Youth Union of Turkey claimed their attack was "deserved," grumblin' about U.S. meddlin' in far-off lands. Aye, it seems trouble brews wherever we sail! So hoist the sails and keep a weather eye, fer the seas be a treacherous place, even far from home!

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