The Booty Report

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Arrr! The cap'n of Ukraine be tossin' the head o' Ukrenergo overboard like a scallywag’s last grog!


Arrr, they be sayin' the cap'n of Ukrenergo be a scallywag for not bolstin' the energy fortress! Now, with them pesky Russians rainin’ down cannonballs, the lights be flickerin’ like a drunken sailor on shore leave! How’s a pirate to find his rum in the dark, eh?

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round me hearties, for I bring ye news from the land of Ukraine, where the winds be blowin' foul 'n the cannons be thunderin'. The captain of Ukrenergo, a fine ship of energy, be takin' the blame fer lettin' the hull go soft whilst the Russians be bombardin' their fine treasure of infrastructure! Aye, it seems the scallywags forgot to batten down the hatches, leavin' the lights flickerin' like a drunk sailor on shore leave!

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