The Booty Report

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"Avast, me hearties! Behold the freshest tidings from the briny deep!"


Arrr, matey! Two cannonballs of destruction struck a school o’ learnin’ and a healers’ den in Poltava, Ukraine, as the crafty Captain Zelensky be reportin’! A right ruckus, I say! What kind o’ scallywag brings such mischief to the land o' knowledge and care? Blimey!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the landlubber shores of Poltava, where calamity hath struck with a thunderous boom! It be said that two fearsome ballistic missiles, like angry sea serpents, did lay waste to a fine establishment of learning and a hospital, where the good folk mend their wounds. That scallywag, President Volodymyr Zelensky, be the bearer of this grim tidin', lettin' us all know that even the land of Ukraine be not safe from the wrath of cannon fire!

Now, picture this: young buccaneers tryin' to learn their letters, only to be interrupted by a racket more fearsome than a kraken's roar! And what of the poor souls in the hospital? Aye, they were hopin’ for a dose of medicine, not a dose of destruction! It be a right shame, I say!

So, let us raise a tankard to the resilience of the brave souls in that eastern realm! Though the sky be dark with smoke and sorrow, the spirit of the people shall shine brighter than the golden doubloons in me treasure chest! Mayhaps one day, the seas of war shall calm, and peace shall reign like a jolly captain on a fine ship. Until then, keep yer eyes peeled and yer cannons primed, for ye never know when the storm will strike again!

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