The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! ‘The Notebook’ be sinkin’ in December, then off on a grand tour! Avast, mateys!


Arrr, matey! This grand spectacle, fit for three shiny Tony Awards, set sail on March 14 at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theater! And come next September, it be chartin’ a course for a national tour, so ready yer sea legs! Blimey, what a jolly good time awaitin’!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I be havin' news as fine as a bottle of rum! There be a grand spectacle upon the boards, a show so splendid it be nominated for no less than three Tony Awards! Aye, it set sail on the 14th day of March at the illustrious Gerald Schoenfeld Theater, where landlubbers and seafarers alike be holdin' their breaths in awe!

This be no ordinary play, I tell ye! It be a treasure trove of laughter and merriment, ticklin' the fancy of all who dare to set foot within its hallowed halls. With a crew of talented actors and a tale that spins like a ship in a storm, it be capturin' the hearts of many a scallywag and land-dweller alike!

But fear not, if ye can't make it to the grand ship's launch in New York! Come September, this fine production be embarkin' on a national tour, settin’ sail to spread its jolly spirit 'cross the seven seas! So polish yer spyglass, keep yer powder dry, and prepare to hoot and holler as this marvel of a show makes port near ye! Arrr, it be a spectacle ye won't want to miss!

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