The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mongolia be tellin' the ICC to walk the plank, lettin' ol' Putin prance about unscathed!


Arrr, mateys! This week, that scallywag Putin docked in Mongolia, all swaggerin' and grinnin', even with a bounty on his head from the ICC! Aye, talk about a pirate's luck—sailin' 'round with a warrant as his parley flag! What a jolly jape!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the high seas of politics! This week, that scallywag, Russian President Vladimir Putin, slipped into Mongolia like a slippery eel, evadin' the clutches of the International Criminal Court (ICC) which be a right blow to their swashbucklin' reputation!

Arrr, the villain docked in Ulaanbaatar on a moonlit Monday, welcomed by the fair Battsetseg Batmunkh, the Mongolian Minister of Foreign Affairs, flanked by an honor guard as if he were some sort of pirate king! His grand visit be to toast the Soviet-Mongolian win over the Japanese back in '39. A fine tale, but the real treasure here be him escapin' arrest despite bein' wanted for snatchin' Ukrainian wee ones!

This crafty sea dog has been dodgin' ICC member nations like a true buccaneer, but Mongolia be a member and the ICC had put a bounty on his head! Yet, the Kremlin laughs off such fears, claimin’ they've got a merry friendship with Mongolia. Meanwhile, Ukraine be callin’ him a war criminal for his dastardly deeds, demandin’ he be dragged off to the Hague to face justice!

So, raise yer tankards, me mates, for the curious case of Putin and his treacherous frolic in Mongolia! Yarrr!

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