The Booty Report

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Avast! Captain Biden grins like a treasure map, lettin' the press shout like scurvy dogs for a whole minute!


Arrr, me hearties! President Biden be stumblin' like a landlubber after givin' up his treasure map! At the "Investin' in America" shindig, he be shunnin' reporters like a scallywag dodges a cannonball! Aye, awkwardness be his first mate!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the ol' sea captain, President Biden, who be grinnin' like a treasure-seeker with naught to say to the press, ye see! In a rare appearance, he paraded his “Investin’ in America” bounty, claimin’ the seas be calm now that COVID be off our backs. He bragged ‘bout a haul of 16 million new jobs and a stock market shinier than Davy Jones' gold, while reporters howled like a pack of hungry sharks.

But lo! When it came time for questions, ol’ Joe just smiled and packed his trinkets, avoidin’ inquiries like a sailor dodgin’ a kraken! The press, riled and ready, yelled questions ‘bout wars, high prices, and such, but the crew ushered ‘em out like scallywags at a tavern close. “Crooked Joe,” they cried, “be cooked!”

The New York Times be miffed too, callin’ his silence a troubling sign, like a ship without a compass. They warned that this eerie dodge of the press be settin’ a dark precedent for future captains of state. Aye, the winds of change be blowin', and we’ll see if the good ship Biden can weather the storm ahead!

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