The Booty Report

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Arrr! Texas scallywags find 17 stowaways snug as a bug in a rogue delivery ship! Yarrr, what a jolly sight!


Avast, mateys! A scallywag from Mississippi be nabbed in Texas, caught red-handed stowin' 17 poor souls in a secret hidey-hole o' a knockoff toolbox wagon. Aye, it be a right jolly mess! Who knew home repairs could lead to such high seas shenanigans? Arrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of a scallywag named Cezanne Megel Patterson from Jackson, Mississippi! This landlubber thought he could play the part of a sly smuggler, stuffin’ 17 poor souls into a secret compartment of a "cloned" Lowe’s delivery vessel like sardines in a can, aye!

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