The Booty Report

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Arrr! This veggie jumble be so simple, even a wee landlubber of three could whip it up, matey!


Ahoy, me hearties! The captain o’ a wee cookin’ school be sharin’ her treasure map fer a veggie stir-fry fit fer a tiny buccaneer! ‘Tis a dish so fine, even a 3-year-old scallywag can join in the jolly cookin’ fun! Arrr, feast yer eyes on this colorful bounty!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale o' colorful grub that be good fer yer health and taste buds alike! In yon lands of the U.S. and Canada, a fine academy known as the Little Kitchen Academy be teachin’ young scallywags aged 3 to 19 the art o' makin’ a vegetable medley stir-fry. Aye, they be promotin’ a more educated and healthier crew, savvy?

Founded by the clever Felicity Curin in Vancouver, this venture sprung forth in 2018, but it be the COVID-19 storm that blew 'em into the spotlight. As landlubbers found themselves holed up at home, crafty souls shared their culinary concoctions online, often using the humble frozen vegetable. “Who ain’t got a treasure trove of veggies in their freezer?” she be sayin’!

With a colorful rainbow of veggies, this stir-fry be not only a feast fer the eyes but also a delight fer the palate. Curin insists that it be simple enough for wee ones to create, with a wee bit o' guidance, o' course! So, hoist the sails and dive into the world o' veggie cookin’, where even the littlest pirates can become culinary captains with naught but a handful o’ fresh ingredients and a sturdy frying pan!

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