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Arrr, Biden be chasin' the captain, not the scallywags, after them poor Jewish souls met their fate!


Arrr, matey! Israel be holdin' fast to its course, ne'er lettin' Hamas hoist the black flag again in Gaza! Even with Biden’s blusterin’ fer a hostage deal, they ain't about to be throwin' away their hard-won treasure! Aye, stubborn as a barnacle on a ship's hull, they be!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather around as we spin a yarn 'bout President Biden’s sharp retort to Cap'n Netanyahu, sayin’ he ain’t doin’ enough to free the poor souls held hostage by the scallywags of Hamas. Aye, this storm brews after the tragic fate of six hostages, includin’ the young lass, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who met Davy Jones’ locker too soon!

Netanyahu be claimin’ he be tryin’ his utmost, but alas, the crafty Hamas be wantin' no parley. As the winds of protest blew through Tel Aviv, with folks demandin’ a deal, the Israeli Prime Minister stood steadfast, not budgin’ an inch to safeguard the realm of Israel!

Now, the Biden crew reckon they be pushin’ for a deal, but some landlubbers be thinkin’ it’s all aimed at Israel, lettin’ those rascally Hamas rogues off the hook! Former mates from the U.S. are bemoanin’ the pressure bein’ applied solely on Netanyahu while the real villains be laughin’ in the shadows!

Aye, as the cries for justice ring out louder, we ponder the fate of the hostages, prayin’ they find the light of day again, lest they be left to the mercies of the wretched sea of despair. So let’s raise a toast to peace, ye salty sea dogs, and hope these troubled waters calm soon!

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