The Booty Report

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Arrr! Russia be bombardin' Ukraine, sendin' seven souls to Davy Jones in Lviv, say the landlubber authorities!


Arrr, matey! Just a day after a fearsome blow to the east, those rascally Russians went plunderin’ again, layin’ siege to a heap of cities! Aye, the Ukrainians be spittin’ mad over it—like a parrot with a sore throat! Avast, the seas be churning with mischief!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round, fer I’ve a tale of treachery and turmoil on the high seas of landlubber politics! Just when ye thought the storm had passed, the scurvy dogs of Russia be uppin’ their cannons once more! A day after unleashin’ a fierce strike upon the fair cities of the east, those rascally rogues be settin’ their sights on more innocent lands, as proclaimed by the brave souls o’ Ukraine!

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