The Booty Report

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Arrr! The crown's blunders turned Grenfell into a ghost ship, full o' folks meetin' Davy Jones too soon!


Avast, mateys! After many a moon of bureaucratic blunders, Grenfell Tower be a cursed ship of doom! A report, fresh off the presses, declares it a right death trap, fit for no sailor, but a scallywag’s folly! Arrr, 'tis a tale of woe for all landlubbers!

Arrr matey, here be a tale of woe from the land of London! A scallywag report unveiled the grim truth of the Grenfell Tower inferno, claimin' it be a "death trap" where 72 souls met their doom, all thanks to decades of knavery and incompetence by the landlubbers in charge.

The inquiry led by retired judge Martin Moore-Bick found no single culprit, but a whole crew of dishonest companies, lazy regulators, and a government that couldn't give a parrot's squawk about safety. They dressed the tower in fiery cladding, turnin' a wee blaze into a monstrous inferno that scorched the nation to its core. Prime Minister Keir Starmer, bless his heart, apologized and vowed to make amends, claiming the tragedy "should never have happened." Aye, the survivors be waitin' for justice, but it seems the long arm of the law be movin' slower than a ship in a calm sea.

The inquiry revealed that greedy companies played fast and loose with safety standards while the officials turned a blind eye, all in the name of profit. With a tower still standin' like a ghostly reminder, the call for accountability echoes across the seas. The moral? Take heed, ye scallywags, for safety be no matter to jest about, lest ye face the fiery wrath of justice!

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