The Booty Report

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"Chasin' the tickin' hands to scribble the tales of ISIS' mischief 'gainst the goodly Yazidis of Iraq!"


Arrr! A band o’ U.N. scallywags be diggin’ up the bones o’ the fallen for years, but now the landlubber Iraqi captain be givin’ ‘em the boot! Aye, many a grave still waits fer a good rummagin’! What a treasure hunt gone awry, I say!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and lend an ear to this tale o' woe from the land o' Iraq! For years, a brave crew from the U.N. has been diggin' up the bones of those poor souls who met their untimely end in the cold grasp of mass graves, like treasure buried deep in the sands o' time! Aye, these hearty souls sought to give the dead their due, but alas, their mission be met with a treacherous tide.

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