The Booty Report

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"Ahoy! Michael Keaton be settin' sail back to Beetlejuice after 35 long moons! Blimey, what a ghostly reunion!"


Arrr, in the jolly tale o’ "Beetlejuice Beetlejuice," our swashbucklin' thespian be returnin' to a role that’s as famous as a treasure map! With 35 years of capers and a shiny Oscar nod in his pocket, he sails back into the hearts of landlubbers! Ho ho!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale of a scallywag who be returnin' to the high seas of Hollywood! Aye, I speak of the one and only, the legendary actor who be donning the stripes of that cheeky specter, Beetlejuice! After 35 long years sailin' through the treacherous waters of film, he be back to tickle yer funny bones once more!

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