The Booty Report

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"‘Rebel Ridge’ be a tale of scallywags’ wickedness and a matey's demise, arr! A right jolly tale, savvy?"


Arrr! This be a tale spun by Jeremy Saulnier, where brave Aaron Pierre finds himself in a pickle with the landlubber lawmen o' a wee town, unearthing secrets that be more tangled than seaweed on a stormy night! Avast, me hearties, it be a jolly good show!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of treachery and mischief, straight from the quill of Jeremy Saulnier, a scallywag of a director! This here tale be a crime drama, where our brave hero, played by the dashing Aaron Pierre, finds himself in a pickle with the local constables of a wee town. Aye, these landlubber lawmen be not what they seem!

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