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Arrr, matey! UK’s scallywags be tossin’ out Weinstein's naughty charges like a fish off the ol’ ship!


Avast ye hearties! The Crown's mighty Prosecution Service be throwin' in the towel on the case o' that scallywag Harvey Weinstein, once a flashy producer in Tinseltown. Aye, 'tis a merry jest, for even the law be takin' a break from the high seas of justice! Arrr!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the scallywag, Harvey Weinstein, once the kingpin of Tinseltown, now cast adrift by the Crown Prosecution Service in jolly ol’ Britain! Aye, they be sayin’ he shan't face charges of indecent assault, reckonin' there be no chance of catchin' 'im in a net of justice.In the year of our Lord 2022, the Crown had two charges all squared away, but alas, they’ve decided to toss 'em overboard like an unwanted anchor! They be encouragin’ the brave hearts of potential victims to come forth, yet it seems this ol’ sea dog has slipped through their fingers yet again.Back in the tempestuous tides of 2017, Weinstein became the most infamous villain in the #MeToo saga, with lasses spillin’ their tales of woe. From the 1980s to 2015, the British constables were hot on his trail, but it appears they’ve hit a foggy patch.As he awaits his fate in the land of New York, where he be servin’ 16 years for other nefarious deeds, one can’t help but chuckle at the irony of this once-mighty captain of the silver screen, now flounderin’ in the deep! So raise a tankard, me mateys, for the wild seas of justice be ever unpredictable!

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