The Booty Report

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Arrr, Netanyahu be laughin' off talk of a truce, claimin' a deal be as real as a mermaid's kiss!


Arrr, matey! This week, Captain Netanyahu be spoutin’ to the landlubbers o’ the press 'bout his stubborn hold on the Philadelphi Corridor, even in a truce! Aye, he be clutchin' it tighter than a pirate's grip on his booty! Savvy?

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the crafty Israeli captain, Benjamin Netanyahu, who be settin' the record straight on the seas of cease-fire talks. On a fine Thursday mornin', he be shoutin' from the crow's nest that the whispers of a deal be as false as a three-legged parrot! “Aye, it’s exactly inaccurate!” he declared, settin' the scallywags at Fox & Friends right.

Our captain went on to say that the U.S., Egypt, and Qatar be tossin’ offers like cannonballs, but Hamas be shunnin’ ‘em all! “They don’t agree to nothin’, not even the keys to the treasure chest!” he bellowed, claimin’ the scurvy dogs want to plunder Gaza for themselves.

Last week, he made waves when he chose keepin’ watch over the Philadelphi Corridor over freein' hostages, sayin' it be crucial to keepin’ them from usin’ Gaza as a launchin' pad for mischief. “If we want to keep our bounty safe, we must guard the corridor!” he warned. Aye, and he be lamentin’ the grim fate of six hostages, sayin’ they were lost to the depths of despair.

So heed this tale, me hearties! In a world where deals be as slippery as a fish outta water, Netanyahu be holdin’ firm to his course, navigatin’ the turbulent waters of diplomacy like a true buccaneer!

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