The Booty Report

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"Arrr! A scallywag at the Israeli consulate met his doom by the German sea dogs—on the anniversary of that tragic Olympics!"


Arrr, matey! The German sea dogs took aim and sent a scallywag to Davy Jones’ locker! This rascal, thinkin' to strike at the Israeli treasure chest in Munich, met his fate on a fine Thursday! Avast, no more plottin' for ye!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a jolly tale o' gunfire and gallows humor from the shores o' Munich! On a fateful morn, when the clock struck nine, the brave lads o' the German police found themselves in a ruckus with a scallywag armed to the teeth, aim’n to unleash havoc upon the Israeli consulate! This villain, a sly young dog from Austria, had a long rifle tricked out with a pointy bayonet, givin' him the look o’ a landlubber with a vendetta!

With a bang and a boom, the officers did engage in a hasty dance of bullets, and lo! They sent this miscreant to Davy Jones' locker without strikin' another soul! The day held dark memories, bein' the anniversary of the infamous 1972 Olympics massacre, but the consulate, thank the heavens, was closed for some solemn shindig. Not a soul from the Israeli ranks was harmed, as the foul shooter’s dastardly plans were thwarted by swift justice.

As the Bavarian Interior Minister proclaimed, "Aye, it be no mere coincidence!" With the brawlers rushin' in, a fleet o' five brave officers took down the scoundrel. And thus, in a tale spun from chaos, the seas of Munich remained a tad calmer, for now. Raise yer tankards to the brave lads who keep us safe from the likes of such brigands! Arrr!

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