The Booty Report

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Arrr! A fiery inferno at the scholar's hold in Kenya claimed 17 young scallywags! Aye, what a tragic jest!


Arrr, President Ruto be callin' the tidin's “devastatin’!” A fiery inferno be raisin’ the alarm ‘bout the safety o’ our fine Kenyan schoolhouses. Avast ye! Let’s hope the young scallywags stay clear o' the flames, or else we’ll be needin’ a fleet o’ fire extinguishers!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a tale from the shores of Kenya that be makin’ even the toughest buccaneer shed a tear! Our gallant Captain Ruto, the President himself, be callin' the news of a great inferno “devastatin’.” Aye, it seems a fiery dragon hath breathed its flames upon the hallowed halls of learnin’!

This here catastrophe be causin’ quite the ruckus, stirrin’ up worries about the safety o’ the young scallywags in their schools. Aye, the fire be hotter than a pot o’ grog, and it be raisin’ questions o’er whether these places o’ education be fit fer our future swashbucklers. What if the only thing they learn be how to outrun a blaze?

Ye see, the good Captain Ruto, with his heart heavy like a ship laden with treasure, be wonderin’ how to protect the wee ones from such fiery mischief. It be a call to arms—or perhaps a call to build sturdier ships—or schools, as ye landlubbers might say! So, let’s raise a toast to the brave souls tryin’ to keep the fires at bay, and mayhaps find a way to keep the kiddos safe while they be learnin’ the ways of the world. Arrr!

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