The Booty Report

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"From Winona the Rogue to Jenna the Dark-hearted, a merry tale of Goth lasses through the ages! Arrr!"


Avast ye! From the cursed realm of "Beetlejuice" to its sequel, these fair maidens and their wicked roles be luring us into the shadowy depths. Aye, we be lovin' the dark side, where the mirth be as hearty as a barrel o' rum! Arrr!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about the dark enchantments of “Beetlejuice” and its sequel, where lasses of great talent took the stage and made us shiver with delight! Aye, 'tis a tale of ghosts, ghouls, and a right rascally spirit named Beetlejuice himself!

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