The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Biden-Harris crew be needin' a mightier cannon to face them pesky Iran-backed scallywags, say the wise seadogs!


Arrr, matey! The U.S., U.K., and a scallywag crew o' nations joined forces to scare off them pesky Houthis from plundering our ships in the Red Sea. But lo and behold, 'tis been nearly a year and they're still at it, like a dog on a bone!

Avast ye scallywags! It be a ruckus on the high seas, as braver men o' war speak out against the U.S. Navy's timid ways in dealin' with them pesky Houthis! Old sea dog Mark Montgomery be bleatin’ that the U.S. needs to unleash a tempest upon Iran, the rascally supplier of these miscreants! The Biden crew, he claims, be more worried about stirrin' the hornet's nest than givin' them Houthis a proper thrashin'.

The commander o' CENTCOM, Gen. Michael Kurilla, be callin' out the Pentagon for their cowardice, sayin' the current tactics be failin' faster than a leaky ship! He’s demandin’ a full-on cannonade—military, economic, and diplomatic—against these swabs who be attackin' vessels across the Red Sea, threatenin’ the lives of many a sailor.

While the Houthis be claimin’ they’re only after ships doin' trade with Israel, they be hittin’ vessels from all corners of the globe, causin’ chaos and peril. The U.S. be puttin’ up a fight, but the commanders reckon it be like bringin' a spoon to a swordfight! As the sea battle rages on, one thing be clear: if the U.S. keeps sittin' on its hands, it be lookin' to face the might of the mighty Houthi tide!

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