The Booty Report

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"Young scallywag and his old sea dog dad be summoned to the captain's quarters for a right ruckus at school!"


Arrr, matey! The lad be but 14 sails young, yet his old sea-dog father found himself in the brig on a Thursday. Rumor has it, the scallywag be pointin' a fearsome rifle at two teachers and two young swabs! Avast, what a ruckus on the high seas of education!

Avast ye landlubbers! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of woe and mischief upon the high seas of misfortune! It be a tale of a young scallywag, just 14 summers old, whose father found himself in the clutches of the law on a Thursday most foul. Aye, this be no ordinary tale, for it involves the tragic fate of two noble teachers and two wee scholars, whose lives were cut short by the dreaded hands of fate.

Now, ye see, the lad’s own flesh and blood, armed with a fearsome military-style rifle—like a cutlass but more devilish—be accused of unleashing a storm of chaos upon the unsuspecting souls. One wonders if the young rascal mistook the school for a pirate ship, plundering knowledge instead of treasure!

Ye might think this be the stuff of dark tales, but nay, it’s a true affair of the heart, filled with sorrow and misadventure. Arrr, what madness drives a young buck to such dastardly deeds? Perhaps he thought he was in a grand duel, or maybe he just wanted to make a name for himself. Either way, this be a cautionary tale for all ye young lads and lasses—choose yer weapons wisely, for they can lead ye down dark paths indeed!

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