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Arrr, a fiery blunder in Kenya's dorm be sendin' 17 young scallywags to Davy Jones’ locker, with more in peril!


Arrr, me hearties! A fiery blaze in a Kenyan school dorm be sendin’ 17 souls to Davy Jones' locker, with 13 more singed like a burnt biscuit! The coppers be scratchin' their noggins, wonderin' how it all came to pass, fearin' the count may yet climb higher!

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round and hear the tale of a tragic event that struck a school dormitory in Kenya, where flames danced like a mad sea serpent, claimin' the lives of 17 young scallywags and burnin' 13 more! The inferno erupted one fateful night at the Hillside Endarasha Primary school, a place where lads aged 10 to 14 sought their learnin' amidst wooden planks that turned to tinder faster than a cannonball flyin' from the ship!

As the smoke cleared, anxious parents swarmed like gulls, searchin' for their little ones amongst the chaos. The County Commissioner, Pius Murugu, and the education ministry be investigatin' faster than a ship settin' sail, hopin' to uncover the cause of this fiery mishap. With muddy roads hamperin' rescue efforts, the plight of the missing children tugged at the hearts of many, includin' one John Rukwaro, whose grandson was nowhere to be found!

In the wake o' this calamity, President William Ruto proclaimed the news "devastatin'," callin' for a thorough investigation. But beware, mateys! Such tragedies have befallen other schools before, often ignited by rebellious spirits and overcrowded quarters. The sea of sorrow runs deep, but the call for safety be stronger, as the education ministry sets forth guidelines to prevent such fiery tragedies from happenin' again!

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