The Booty Report

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Arrr, in the depths of Moldova lies a treasure trove of nearly 2 million bottles—aye, the grandest stash o' grog!


Arrr, matey! Milestii Mici be the grandest hoardin' of vino in all the seven seas! 'Tis a labyrinth o' tunnels, each named for the fine grog they keep below the earth. Aye, a true treasure for any swashbucklin' soul with a taste for the grape!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round and lend yer ears, for I be tellin’ ye of a grand treasure buried beneath the soil of Moldova! Aye, it be the world’s largest wine collection, hidin’ away in the underground tunnels of Milestii Mici, where over 1.5 million bottles be stored like buried doubloons, recognized by the Guinness World Records back in the year of our Lord 2007!

Now, ye might be wonderin’ what kind of nectar flows from these ancient casks. We’ve got “Pinot,” “Riesling,” and even the exotic “Trandafirul Moldovei,” all dancin’ on the tongue with flavors of cherries and vanilla. This underground fortress, carved from limestone blocks, keeps the hooch at a perfect temperature, ideal for keepin’ the spirits alive, savvy?

Each year, a horde of 20,000 landlubbers flock to this subterranean wonder to sample the delights and explore the 200 kilometers of caverns. They can traverse these holy grounds by electric chariot, bicycle, or even foot, all whilst surrounded by the finest wines known to man. And once ye’ve tasted the wares, ye can feast upon a meal fit for a captain in the grand tasting halls. So hoist yer glasses, me mateys, and toast to Milestii Mici, the treasure trove of the vine! Arrr!

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