The Booty Report

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"Arrr! One scallywag laid waste to another in a quarrel at the Maryland learning grounds, say the landlubbers in charge!"


Arrr, in a tale most grim, a young lad of fifteen caught a whiff of lead at the schoolhouse and was whisked away to the healer’s lair, but alas, he met Davy Jones! A scallywag of sixteen be held in chains, pondering his mischief on Friday!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale most grim from the land lubbers’ realm of education! A fine lad, merely fifteen summers old, found himself caught in a storm of lead at his schoolin' quarters. Aye, 'twas a scallywag’s folly indeed! He was whisked away like a treasure on a swift ship, airlifted to a trauma center, but alas! The fates be cruel, and he met his maker, leavin' behind a sea of sorrow.

But hold yer horses, fer the tale don’t end there! A 16-year-old scallywag, suspected of causin’ this tempest, was caught and thrown into the brig faster than ye can say “shiver me timbers!” Now, one might ponder, what manner o' chaos be brewin' in the hearts of these young squires? In a world where the seas be rough and the wind be fierce, it be a sad day when a place of learnin' becomes a battleground.

So here’s to the lad lost, may he sail the high seas of the afterlife, and to the young knave in custody, may he find some sense o' reason before he be walkin' the plank! Aye, let us raise a tankard to better days ahead, where laughter reigns and no cannon fire echoes through the halls o' knowledge!

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