The Booty Report

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"Arrr! JD Vance be shunnin' the wrath 'gainst Tucker, matey! Aye, even for a rascal of revisionist lore!"


Arrr, matey! JD Vance's crew be sayin' he shuns the cursed notion o' guilt-by-association cancelin', yet he be not on the same page as that scallywag guest of Tucker's, claimin' the Holocaust be naught but a happenstance! A right jolly hullabaloo, if ye ask me!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale of the landlubber JD Vance and his curious notions, fit for a jolly roger's laugh! The scallywag's campaign be claimin' he’s not one for the dreaded guilt-by-association cancel culture. Aye, 'tis a fancy term fer a world where ye be shunned fer the company ye keep, like a pirate bein' tossed overboard fer hangin' with the wrong crew!

But lo and behold! When the winds of debate blew towards the infamous Tucker Carlson’s guest, a bilge rat who declared that the Holocaust be nothin' but a misunderstanding rather than a wicked scheme of vile genocide, Vance's ship hit a rocky shore! He be sayin' he don’t quite share such outlandish views, but it leaves the crew wonderin' what treasure of thought lies in his noggin. Can it be that he sails a ship of contradictions, hopping from isle to isle without a compass? Aye, the seas of political discourse be treacherous, and one must navigate with care lest they find themselves marooned in the waters of absurdity!

So raise your tankards, ye salty sea dogs, and let’s toast to the hilarity of the situation where a pirate's sense of humor meets the stormy seas of politics. Yarr, what a fine mess we’ve found ourselves in!

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