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Arrr! Hillary be squarin' off with Trump, and here’s her jolly wisdom fer Kamala, savvy?


Arrr, the lass who sailed as the 2016 Democratic flagbearer met a stormy fate against Captain Trump! Yet, she had her shining moments in the fray. In a parley, she tossed a few pearls o' wisdom to the fair Kamala Harris. Avast, wisdom be the treasure we seek!

Arrr matey! In the year of our Lord 2016, a fair lass named Hillary sailed the stormy seas of politics, battlin’ the fearsome captain Trump for the treasure of the White House. Alas, despite her valiant efforts, she found herself cast adrift while the raucous Trump took the helm. But lo! She did have moments of brilliance in the fierce debates, like a pearl shining in a rough sea, shoutin' forth wisdom and wit like a true buccaneer!

In a later parley, she laid her thoughts upon the young matey Kamala Harris, who be lookin’ to navigate the treacherous waters of governance. Hillary, bein’ a seasoned sea dog herself, shared her sagely advice, sayin’ to hold fast to yer compass, stay true to yer crew, and never be afraid to unleash a good cannonball of a comeback when the sharks circle!

So here’s the jolly truth, ye salty sea urchins: the seas of politics be filled with storms and sirens, but with a hearty laugh and a sturdy ship, ye can weather any squall! Hoist the flags of camaraderie and keep yer eyes on the horizon, for adventure be always awaitin’ in the vast ocean of democracy! Arrr!

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