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Arrr, Lyudmyla Kichenok be delayin' her weddin' for a shot at treasure in the US Open—smart lass, aye!


Arrr, matey! Ukrainian lass Lyudmyla Kichenok be spillin' the beans that she had to heave-ho her weddin' plans 'cause she be battlin' fer a chance in the U.S. Open doubles final! Love'll wait, but a fine game be callin’! Har har!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round fer a yarn 'bout the fair Ukrainian lass, Lyudmyla Kichenok, who sailed her ship right to the U.S. Open treasure! With her trusty partner, the cunning Jelena Ostapenko from Latvia, they outmatched them scallywags, Mladenovic and Zhang, in a battle of doubles that saw 'em hoist the championship flag without droppin' a single set.

But hold yer horses! As the winds of victory blew, our lass Kichenok had a most peculiar dilemma. She was 'bout to wed her matey, Stas Khmarskiy, but alas! The wedding was postponed due to her derring-do on the courts. "Aye, we were to be wed this very Wednesday," she lamented, "but tennis be a fickle mistress!"

With a wink and a nod, Ostapenko quipped, "It be a fine excuse to delay the nuptials, savvy?" And so it was, the dynamic duo thrashed their foes 6-2, 6-3, celebratin' with the bubbly afterwards. Even the American lass, Jessica Pegula, sent a bottle and a note, wishin' 'em joy fer the postponed wedding. So here’s to Kichenok and her merry crew, may their sails be ever filled with wind and love! Arrr!

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