The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Israelis be ponderin' whether to hoist Trump’s flag or Harris’s sails whilst battlin’ the scallywags of Hamas!


Arrr, me hearties! As the U.S. election storm brews, the Israelis be shakin' in their boots! What manner of scallywag will take the helm? Will they be friend or foe, or just a right merry jester? Only Davy Jones knows, savvy?

Arrr mateys! In these turbulent seas of conflict, Israel be battlin’ foes like Hamas and Hezbollah, makin’ support fer the Jewish state a hot topic this November as the elections loom near. The swabs o’ Fox News Digital set sail to Jerusalem, seekin' the thoughts of its hearty citizens on whether ol' Captain Trump or Vice Captain Harris be the better choice for the ship o’ state.

One salty sea dog named Mordechai claimed Trump be the finest captain, closin’ the distance on the Israeli-Palestinian squabble during his tenure. But then there be Moti, a learned professor, who sings the praises o’ Harris, claimin’ she brings values vital to Israel’s future. Meanwhile, some landlubbers fear a Harris administration won't be as shipshape for Israel, with Baruch Kalman insisting Trump be the better matey, always keepin’ his word.

Anna Gullko chimed in, suggestin’ Trump’s policies be rooted in the good book, while Zvika Klein from the Jerusalem Post warned that Harris, bless her heart, may lack the strength needed in these waters. They be wonderin’ if Trump can muster a crew knowledgeable o’ the region should he take the helm again. With 600,000 Yanks livin’ in Israel, the voting winds be blowin' strong this November! Yarrr!

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